October - The month of illuminating wisdom

Published on 11 October 2021 at 10:08

As we approach the grand changeover, humanity has been wishing for, the acceleration continues to amplify. The course within changes its destiny and the world we live in is destroying itself to the ground. Out of the ashes will arise the phoenix of all time. Morphogenetic geometries and structures are arising into the new crystalline grid of Mother Gaia.


Plans are being set up and slowly reaching a level of advocacy to limit outdated structures. These limitations are set up for souls to awaken out of their mortal consciousness into their multidimensional awareness. As multidimensional spheres open up gradually within each and every single awakened soul, the deeper journey of awakening continues to set up the next steps into motion so that these awakened souls can become a multidimensional consciousness into form. Even your forms are transforming as we speak. The crystalline structures are moving in, and the carbon is moving out.


The growth beyond potential is yours if you want it, you are in it now. How you respond, as this being your human nature, will mark every single part of your reality. Every detail is here for you in order to accumulate all that you are.


From the bottom of my heart; take everything that you are into consideration with Love and understanding. See beyond its mask and figure, there is something behind this all that you cannot see yet. There is a story behind every life, and it begins with intent.


What you intend to be, matters. What you intend to do, matters. Who you are, matters.


Things will keep ramping up even more, it is my wish for you to know how important you are and how important it is for you to stop feeding that which is dissolving as we speak. All that which you don’t want is being fed by reacting and focusing on it daily. Let that go and feed that which you want. Work from the heart coherence and co-create togetherness. Love is the only way to be.


Let us feed that and stay calm at all times. Trust in you, trust in the Universe. You are the Universe.



Méline Portia Lafont



Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely and not for commercial ends, and this copyright notice and links are included.


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Andre Cartois
3 years ago

As always nourished by your Love and trusted by his natural purity with lots of Love in the heart of our universe.