Raise your vibration
Are you feeling low lately? tired? exhausted and empty? angry? emotional? fed up? things are just not flowing for you?...
You need a breather, time for a shift!
Good news: we can change this, and it is quite simple as well. Everything starts with intention.
Join our live event online to raise your vibration. For about 7 days in a row, we will join together for an hour each time. 7 days in a row, we share a moment in time and space to elevate your personal frequency, as this is the main focus.
We work with 7 Masters, 7 light rays and 7 dimensions during 7 following days - 1 hour each day.
After 7 days of daily work, you will feel lighter & much better, AND your light will shine. Raising your vibration = more flow and happiness. The biggest gift to yourself and the world: when you raise your vibration, you help and heal the world's frequency.
* This is an online meeting - group - so a good internet connection and a space where you can sit quiet and undisturbed are required.
This event is over - audio recordings are available in the webshop.
A package of 7 day meditations to help you raise your vibration. 7 audio recordings from the online webinar - 7 rays of light - 7 Masters - 7 dimensions - 7 daily meditations.
Online download link will be send.
The dimensions are based on the I AM path of Mattias DeStefano.
Music is from Michael Hammer